Some Drugs Used to Treat Tuberculosis



Side Effects

First-line drugs*

By mouth

Liver injury (hepatitis) in 1 person in 1,000, resulting in fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and jaundice

Sometimes numbness in the limbs (peripheral neuropathy)

By mouth

Reddish orange discoloration of urine, tears, and sweat

Kidney failure

Rarely a low white blood cell or platelet count

By mouth

Liver injury (hepatitis), digestive upset, and sometimes gout

By mouth

Sometimes blurred vision and decreased color perception (because the drug affects the optic nerve)

By mouth

Inflammation or rupture of tendons

Nervousness, tremors, and seizures

Antibiotic-associated diarrhea and colon inflammation (colitis)

Second-line drugs†

By injection into a muscle

Kidney injury, dizziness, hearing loss (due to damage to nerves of the inner ear), rash, and fever

By mouth

Inflammation or rupture of tendons

Nervousness, tremors, and seizures

Antibiotic-associated diarrhea and colon inflammation (colitis)

By injection into a muscle

* First-line drugs are usually the first choice for treatment.

† Second-line drugs are usually used when the bacteria causing tuberculosis have become resistant to first-line drugs or when people cannot tolerate one of the first-line drugs.