DVT Probability: Wells Score System

Clinical Findings

Paralysis, paresis or recent orthopedic casting of lower extremity (1 point)

Recently bedridden (more than 3 days) or major surgery within past 4 weeks (1 point)

Localized tenderness in deep vein system (1 point)

Swelling of entire leg (1 point)

Calf swelling 3 cm greater than other leg (measured 10 cm below the tibial tuberosity) (1 point)

Pitting edema greater in the symptomatic leg (1 point)

Collateral non varicose superficial veins (1 point)

Active cancer or cancer treated within 6 months (1 point)

Alternative diagnosis more likely than DVT (Baker's cyst, cellulitis, muscle damage, superficial venous thrombosis, post phlebitic syndrome, inguinal lymphadenopathy, external venous compression) (-2 points)

Total Criteria Point Count:


DVT Risk Score Interpretation

3 to 8 Points: High probability of DVT
1 to 2 Points: Moderate probability
-2 to 0 Points: Low Probability


  1. Wells PS, Anderson DR, Bormanis J, et al. Value of assessment of pretest probability of deep-vein thrombosis in clinical management. Lancet. 1997 Dec 20-27;350(9094):1795-8. PubMed ID: 9428249 PubMed Logo



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