In chelation therapy, a biologically based practiceGuidelines for Chelation Therapy). (See also Overview of Integrative, Complementary, and Alternative Medicine.)
Heavy metal toxicity, usually due to environmental exposure, may be a risk factor for dementia (1), cardiovascular disease (2), and chronic kidney disease (3).
Chelation therapy with EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid) has also been suggested as a way to remove calcium and thus treat atherosclerosis. However, despite > 50 years of study, researchers have not identified any mechanism to explain how chelation therapy could treat atherosclerosis or prevent heart attacks or strokes (4).
In 2012, a large randomized, placebo-controlled trial of chelation (the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy [TACT]) found a significant benefit for chelation over placebo for composite outcomes (26.5% versus 30% for placebo), but not for individual outcomes (eg, death, cardiovascular events, stroke, hospitalizations) (5). This study had methodological flaws and did not end the controversy over chelation therapy; however, a post-hoc review of the data showed a significant reduction in the composite endpoint in patients with diabetes and peripheral artery disease in the chelation group compared to the control group, as well as a reduction in mortality (6).
A subsequent systematic review of 38 studies showed possible but unclear benefits of chelation in regard to secondary prevention of recurrent cardiac events (7).
Risks of chelation therapy include
Hypocalcemia (which is potentially serious)
Infusion site reaction, fever, nausea, vomiting
Kidney damage
Delay of more effective treatment
1. Killin LO, Starr JM, Shiue IJ, et al: Environmental risk factors for dementia: a systematic review. BMC Geriatr 16(1):175, 2016. doi: 10.1186/s12877-016-0342-y
2. Chowdhury R, Ramond A, O'Keeffe LM, et al: Environmental toxic metal contaminants and risk of cardiovascular disease: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ 362:k3310, 2018. doi: 10.1136/bmj.k3310
3. Farkhondeh T, Naseri K, Esform A, et al: Drinking water heavy metal toxicity and chronic kidney diseases: a systematic review. Rev Environ Health. 2020 Nov 2:/j/reveh.ahead-of-print/reveh-2020-0110/reveh-2020-0110.xml. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2020-0110
4. Seely DM, Wu P, Mills EJ: EDTA chelation therapy for cardiovascular disease: a systematic review. BMC Cardiovasc Disord 5:32, 2005. Published 2005 Nov 1. doi:10.1186/1471-2261-5-32
5. Lamas GA, Goertz C, Boineau R, et al: Effect of disodium EDTA chelation regimen on cardiovascular events in patients with previous myocardial infarction: the TACT randomized trial. JAMA. 309(12):1241–50, 2013. doi: 10.1001/jama.2013.2107
6. Ujueta F, Arenas IA, Escolar E, et al: The effect of EDTA-based chelation on patients with diabetes and peripheral artery disease in the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT). J Diabetes Complications 33(7):490-494, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2019.04.005
7. Ibad A, Khalid R, Thompson PD, et al: Chelation therapy in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. J Clin Lipidol 10(1):58-62, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.jacl.2015.09.005