Retrograde Ejaculation

ByIrvin H. Hirsch, MD, Sidney Kimmel Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University
Reviewed/Revised Mar 2022 | Modified Sept 2022

Retrograde ejaculation is a condition in which semen is ejaculated backward into the bladder rather than out through the penis.

(See also Overview of Sexual Function and Dysfunction in Men.)

In retrograde ejaculation, the part of the bladder that normally closes during ejaculation (the bladder neck) remains open, causing the semen to travel backward into the bladder. One of the most common causes is prostate surgery for noncancerous prostate enlargement. Other common causes of retrograde ejaculation include diabetes, spinal cord injuries, certain drugs, and some surgical operations (including major abdominal or pelvic surgery).

Men with retrograde ejaculation can still have orgasms. However, retrograde ejaculation decreases the amount of semen ejaculated out of the penis. Sometimes, no semen comes out. The condition can cause infertility but is otherwise not harmful.

A doctor makes the diagnosis of retrograde ejaculation by finding a large amount of sperm in a urine sample taken shortly after orgasm.

Treatment of Retrograde Ejaculation

  • Drugs

If infertility requires treatment and drugs do not help, doctors can sometimes collect a man’s sperm for insemination.

Did You Know...

  • Artificial insemination may be possible if infertility is caused by retrograde ejaculation or inability to ejaculate.

Drugs Mentioned In This Article
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